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The 1920s and 30s marked the apex of the winter migration to Aiken, where some of the wealthiest and most powerful families in the country would join other northern society members to extend their equestrian season, and take part in polo, steeplechase, as well as golf and tennis.  Being of prodigious means, many “winter colonists” as they were known, built mansion-like homes they called “cottages.”

One such family was the William Ziegler, Jr. family of New York.  Mr. Ziegler was president of the Royal Baking Powder Company, a firm founded by his father in 1899.
In March 1928 Ziegler purchased two lots of four acres each on Whiskey Road just outside the city limits, for $28,000.  He hired renowned Aiken/Augusta architect, Willis Irvin, Sr., to design his new, $100,000 winter home, and groundbreaking took place in June of that year.  Willis’ design was in the Georgian style which included 19 rooms in 3 stories and a separate guest cottage.  The Zieglers took possession of the home in the winter of 1928-29 and named it “Sunshine.”

In January 1941 “Sunshine” was sold to the William Wood family of Piqua, Ohio.  William and Frances Wood, and their daughter, Aileen, began coming to Aiken in 1938.  William was an avid polo player and had known Ziegler as a fellow polo player, and in January 1941, on his third visit to Aiken, Wood became the owner of “Sunshine” which he renamed “Green Boundary.”
In April 1956 “Green Boundary” was sold for an undisclosed sum to the newly formed Green Boundary Corporation, composed of winter colonists, and led by Mr. Seymour Knox, heir to the F.W. Woolworth fortune, and owner of “The Balcony,” located next door to “Green Boundary.”  The new corporation was granted a charter for the purpose of establishing a dinner club.  It had a capital stock of $100,000 consisting of 100 shares at a par value of $1,000 each.  The Green Boundary Club opened its doors for the first time in November 1956. Its annual dues were $25, and membership was limited to 150 persons. Founding president of the corporation was Mrs. Dorothy Knox Goodyear Rogers, Seymour’s sister. 

During the ensuing years it became traditional for the staff at the various “cottages” to have Thursday night off.  This “Thursday night off” tradition began in the early 1900’s and the winter colony days.  Thursday nights at The Green Boundary Club became the place to dine for the society residents of Aiken.

Today the Green Boundary Club is a hub of activities.  While fine dining is the primary focus, the club offers other special events such as Trivia, Christmas caroling, special Easter and Thanksgiving dinners, wonderful Sunday brunch, and so on.  The Club’s talented staff works hard to make every luncheon, dinner, party, wedding and celebration a first-class affair.
True to its heritage of Aiken’s famed Winter Colony, The Green Boundary Club embraces the future with confidence drawn from this rich history. As Betty Ryberg wrote in “Exclusively Yours” in January 2004, “Truly, the Green Boundary Club feels as though one is going to a friend’s lovely home for dinner.  Members mingle in the living room or in the library, and then are beckoned into the dining room for dinner.  It is a unique experience, steeped in Southern hospitality and good manners.”